Emergency Physicians Professional Association (EPPA)

We're an independent, democratic physician group staffing Minnesota emergency departments. 
We care about our patients and the quality of care we deliver. 


Patient Billing

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The Urgency Room

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EPPA Clinician Portal 


Emergency Physicians Professional Association (EPPA) has been practicing emergency medicine for over 50 years. We've been owned and governed by our physicians since 1969.  EPPA teams more than 300 board-certified emergency physicians, family practice physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs), to provide expert emergency medical care efficiently and effectively. We strive to provide the very best for our patients and hospital partners.


Our strong leadership consists of hospital medical directors, assistant medical directors, senior leadership and management teams along with the support of multiple development committees. 

Our Mission:

EPPA will provide an innovative, stable and supportive platform to practice acute care medicine as an independent group.  This framework allows our health professionals the best opportunity to align with our partners in delivering world-class care for our patients.

Our Vision:

Through the pursuit of excellence, EPPA will be the premier provider of acute care medicine in the markets we serve.


EPPA Annual Report


Provider Opportunities

Partner with EPPA


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